Intellectual Vitality Program Proposal
Background Video of South asian countries and their people
Interested in proposing programming related intellectual vitality?
Harvard College has funding available for programming related to intellectual vitality. If you are interested in proposing an event, activity, workshop, or something else, submit the proposal form.
Tips for successful proposals:
Programs may be stand-alone or a series
Proposals must have clearly defined goals and outcomes
Proposals must include a detailed and concise budget
Funding Proposal Criteria:
- The proposed event/program must articulate a sincere effort to engage people of diverse viewpoints. An example of this may be to reach out to specific organizations with varying foci/perspectives to ask them to publish the event on their mailing list.
- The event or activity must further the principles of IV (i.e. foster a spirit of open and rigorous inquiry and charitable exchange of ideas based on respect, humility and curiosity through open discourse and exchange of ideas). An example may be engaging the audience through Q&A or a moderated debate.
- Funding should not be considered an endorsement of perspectives expressed by funded speakers or groups by the Intellectual Vitality Initiative or Dean of Students. An example of this may look like a club clarifying that Intellectual Vitality funding should not be construed as support for views expressed if prompted.
- Receipts for all expenses be presented. The awardee must use the funds directly toward the proposal and in support of intellectual vitality.
- There should be some coordination with an IV Student Advisory Board and/or Faculty Advisory Board member to ensure the proposed event/ activity is adhering to and promoting IV principles.
- Applicants must complete a post-event reflection form on the goals and takeaways from experience to be eligible for future funding.
If you have questions about your proposal idea, please contact Camila Nardozzi to schedule a conversation.