Books Open, Gates Unbarred

Background Video of South asian countries and their people

Launching in Spring 2024, “Books Open, Gates Unbarred”, is a dinner and dialogue series so named as an allusion to the poem Seamus Heaney wrote for Harvard’s 350th anniversary. The series will consist of monthly dinners at the Faculty Club, where students will gather to hear two faculty discuss an issue of current concern and then continue discussing that issue among themselves. Students will leave with copies of books written by the faculty so they can continue learning and discussing on their own.

The goal of these dinners is threefold: First, to show students what reasoned and respectful argument looks like within an academic setting. Second, to encourage students to feel confident in asking questions while engaged in conversation, while also attempting to learn more about what they’re arguing about (using active listening while conversing). And third, to remind students that the issues that they’re currently thinking about and grappling with are likely to have a long history and broad context, both of which are important to understand when embarking in debate and inquiry.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Violence and Nonviolence by the Numbers

Thursday, February 22, 2024, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

A conversation with Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology (Harvard College), Steven Pinker and Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment (HKS), Erica Chenoweth

“When you read the news, do you think we are living in a time of increasing war and violence? Do you think that violent resistance is the only way that oppressors truly give up their power? The work of Professors Erica Chenoweth and Steven Pinker will make you think twice. Come learn about each one’s surprising analyses of violence in the past and the present—and the ongoing debates about their ideas.

Read more about the event, “Violence and Nonviolence by the Numbers.”

The University and the Limits of Free Speech

 Monday, April 8, 2024 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

A conversation with James Bryant Conant University Professor, Danielle Allen and Harvard Medical School Professor of Physiobiology, Bertha Madras.

Read more about the event, “The University and the Limits of Free Speech.”

Why is Harvard the Focus of So Much Political Attention

Monday, October 21, 2024

Harvard has long been the focus of national attention, but the last year was especially emotional for many members of our community. Join Ryan Enos (Government) and Steve Levitsky (Government) for dinner and discussion at the Faculty Club to learn how their scholarship on sorting and democracy can help us re-frame our understanding of Harvard’s role in national debates – and how we all might seek to broaden our understanding of current events.

Read more about the event, “Why is Harvard the Focus of So Much Political Attention?”

Pursuing Reconciliation After Ethnic Conflict

Thursday, November 14, 2024

How are aggression and victimhood defined and experienced during and after violent conflicts? Join Melani Cammett (Government) and Mina Cikara (Psychology) for a dinner discussion at the Faculty Club to learn more about how different disciplines approach questions related to intergroup dynamics, conflict, and reconciliation.

Read more about the event “Pursuing Reconciliation After Ethnic Conflict”


Monday, February 10, 2025

On January 20, 2025, an executive order argued that birthright citizenship should not be extended to the children of persons “not subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. In arguing the case, Justice Department attorneys suggested that the rejection of Native American citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment offered a rationale for the constriction of birthright citizenship. If you’re curious about the place of Native peoples in the American political system, past, present, and future, join Professors Dan Carpenter (Government) and Phil Deloria (History) for a wide-ranging discussion of the many ways in which Indian people are central to thinking about citizenship, federalism, democratic values, rights and claims, and the uses of violence and constraint in bounding a national “we.”

Read more about the event “Citizenship