Student and Administrator Intellectual Vitality Dinner and Dialogue
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On Wednesday, February 7, 2024, students, administrators, and faculty involved with Intellectual Vitality were invited for dinner and dialogue at the home of Dean of Students, Tom Dunne. The focus of the dinner was to discuss the growth of Intellectual Vitality, through engaging in dialogue regarding future plans, and to gather input on how and where students would like to see more Intellectual Vitality engagement within the Harvard College community. The dinner fostered meaningful conversations and highlighted the invaluable contributions of students in shaping our community of learning through expression, open inquiry, and civil discourse.
Snapshots from the Intellectual Vitality Dinner Discussion
Dean of Students, Tom Dunne, and students engage in conversation around Intellectual Vitality
Dean of Undergraduate Education, Amanda Claybaugh, Director for Intellectual Vitality Initiatives, Camila Nardozzi, and student, Jack Botein ’27, discuss future steps for Intellectual Vitality.
Students, administrators, and faculty invited to discuss Intellectual Vitality at Dean Dunne’s home.
Danoff Dean of the College, Rakesh Khurana, and Intellectual Vitality Fellow, Victoria Wilson ’25 discuss Intellectual Vitality.Philosophy faculty, Ned Williams, and Dean of Undergraduate Education, Amanda Claybaugh, strategize on next steps.
Students discuss Intellectual Vitality’s next steps.Students discuss Intellectual Vitality’s next steps.Students discuss Intellectual Vitality’s next steps with Camila Nardozzi, Director for Intellectual Vitality Initiatives
Students discuss Intellectual Vitality’s next steps.